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tv   ABC World News With Diane Sawyer  ABC  November 21, 2012 5:30pm-6:00pm PST

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and christiane amanpour standing by. was it hillary clinton to the rescue? and will it hold? back in this country tonight, the mad dash. millions of americans on the move this evening. that incredible fog. the lines at the airport. our team in traffic across this nation right now. and meteorologist ginger zee on the system that could bring a thanksgiving headache. political bombshell. the well-known congressman who suddenly resigned today. and what he offered as the reason why. and, the king of the court. the record-smashing kid who scored 138 points before the final buzzer. tonight, the answer to the question everyone is asking. how did he do it? and good evening on this thanksgiving eve. great to have you with us. diane has this holiday off. and at this hour, so many
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americans are already on the move, making their way home for the holiday. we'll have much more on all of that in just a moment here. but we do begin tonight with that breaking news, a cease-fire in the middle east. back from the brink tonight. the white house is calling the truce tenuous this evening. israeli and palestinian leaders agreed to a truce after eight days, more than 1,300 rockets. 145 people killed. a welcome development for secretary of state hillary clinton, who arrived and helped broker that peace deal. our team has been reporting across the region from the very start and abc's global affairs anchor christiane amanpour, among our team standing by. but we begin with abc's matt gutman in tel aviv tonight. matt, good evening. >> reporter: good evening, david. an israeli official described the deal with three words, saying it was "quiet for quiet." now, there's a lot of skepticism on the israeli side, but both sides get the opportunity, tonight, to step back from the brink.
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for secretary clinton, it's been 24 hours of breakneck talks, racing in from cambodia, first to jerusalem, then to the west bank, back to jerusalem and then cairo, in a frantic search for a cease-fire. all day, a truce seemed to be negotiated by israeli bombardment by sea and air and hamas rockets. prospects seemed bleak until the sudden announcement. >> the united states welcomes the agreement today for a cease-fire in gaza. for it to hold, the rocket attacks must end, a broader calm returned. >> reporter: the gunfire in gaza turned to bursts of celebration. but in jerusalem, israel's leaders briefed the nation on the deal grim faced. a deal which seemed beyond reach this morning. the first bus bombing in israel since 2006, in the heart of tel aviv, across the street from the defense ministry. we found the bus cleaved open. and anger. this eyewitness told me he thought it was a rocket, saying that israel can't go on like this, that it must invade gaza. more than 20 wounded by what
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police say was an ied and the suspect, still at large. even with the cease-fire, the guns weren't silenced. as many as 20 rockets fired out of gaza, hours after the deal was inked. now, so far, israel has not responded. in the short-term, the cease-fire means that all sides including other factions in gaza stop all fire and if it lasts over the next couple of days, we could see a gradual easing of israel's blockade on the gaza strip. david? >> let's hope so. abc's matt gutman there in tel aviv tonight. matt, thank you. as we head now across the border to gaza, where for eight days, families have been living under threat of rocket fire there, as well. scrambling into bunkers. but tonight, many are celebrating there. abc's alex marquardt is in gaza city this evening. alex, good evening to you. >> reporter: good evening, david. just a few hours ago, the israeli navy was pummeling this shoreline with artillery. both sides literally firing until the last minute. and tonight, there's a jubilation on the streets of gaza that hasn't been seen in years.
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the green flags of hamas waved across the gaza strip tonight. palestinians poured into the streets. there is definitely a sense of relief on the street, but make no mistake, this is a victory celebration. after a week of fighting with israel, these palestinians feel like they've won. won, because for the first time, militant groups were able to fire rockets into israel's biggest cities. jerusalem and tel aviv. you feel this is a turning point. now, you can hit tel aviv? >> yeah, it's huge! it's huge for us! >> reporter: in the final hours, both sides kept pounding away at each other. an israeli air strike leveled this building. naval artillery from the sea landed right near our hotel. the human cost has been huge. here in gaza, more than 160 dead and 1,200 wounded. conflict like this inevitably draws out the savagery in its participants. in this photo seen around the
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world, hamas militants can be seen dragging through the streets of gaza the executed body of an israeli collaborator. and while it's quiet here tonight, everyone here knows that could end at any time. david? >> was a painful image today. alex marquardt. alex, our thanks to you tonight. i want to bring in abc's global affairs anchor christiane amanpour in cairo tonight. christiane, you've been with us every step of the way on this. this truce came after secretary clinton's arrival. how big a role did she play and how big a role was this for the new government of egypt in fashioning this truce? >> reporter: well, any time a secretary of state travels, it's really important. and she was there for the closing. but all the american officials have said, this was egypt's proposal. america spoke to hamas through egypt. israel spoke to hamas through egypt. and president obama in his statement after the cease-fire said that he had urged the israeli prime minister to accept egypt's proposal.
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they definitely played the major role here in getting hamas to the table. i had an exclusive interview with the head of hamas, he said what they want out of it is a lifting of the siege. that may happen. what israel wants out of it is no more rockets into israel and no more supply of weapons to gaza. they might get that, as well. but of course, we're going to watch. it's fragile. >> and christiane, you heard the word the white house used today, tenuous, late this afternoon. what is your sense on the ground about how strong the truce is? >> reporter: well, it's really early days. it went into effect. everybody in gaza is celebrating, as you've already reported. but people are worried, of course. you know, though, it looks like to some that this could be a turning point. but absent of peace process, david, absent a real peace process, yes, there are concerns that this could just be another truce that could last a couple of years, maybe, and then fall apart again. >> our global affairs anchor christiane amanpour in cairo tonight. christie chan, our thanks to you. we move on this evening, and to this country now, because at this very moment, millions of
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americans are on the move this evening, heading home for the holidays. and take a look at this tonight. these are planes in the sky right now, the flight tracker, as more than 43 million americans start their thanksgiving journeys. as we all know, 90% of us will be on the road this holiday, and look at this tonight. images of grid lock across this country, already pouring in. we asked our abc team out there to document their travels as they head home and you're looking at just a glimpse of what they encountered today. abc's cecilia vega with a picture coast to coast tonight and she's live in los angeles tonight. cecilia, good evening. >> reporter: hey, david, good evening. these are the folks getting ready to head home for the holiday, by trains, planes and automobiles. america is on the road. if there is one thing to be thankful for this thanksgiving eve, it's that mother nature cooperated, for the most part. that thick fog blanketed chicago's o'hare first thing in the morning, canceling 130 flights. >> will be delayed today due to the fog in chicago. >> reporter: not too far away at chicago's midway, one traveler tweeted they were "packed like
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sardines." and before the sun came up, los angeles international earned its reputation as the second busiest thanksgiving airport, with lines that snaked around and around. on the east coast tonight, a train traffic jam. amtrak service in and out of new york city's penn station briefly suspended because of a signal problem. but from coast to coast, on one of the busiest travel days of the year, it seemed to be, well, not so busy. you braved the holiday travel today? >> it wasn't bad. >> reporter: i guess this makes it all worth it? >> yes. >> reporter: we followed our abc team as they hit the road. >> heading home to kentucky. >> traveling from washington, d.c. to greenville, south carolina. >> houston, texas. >> reporter: abc's linsey davis flying from cleveland early this morning. >> security line is starting to build, starting to wrap around a little bit here. >> reporter: checking in four hours early -- >> this is delta, long, long, long security line. >> reporter: heading to toronto.
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>> at least we've checked in and we are done. >> reporter: and roads were mostly clear on the way to the jersey shore. >> it's already looking a little hairy at times, but at least it's moving. >> reporter: but no matter how far or how long the journey, at the end, there's that reminder of why it's worth it. a hug from grandpa. >> happy thanksgiving. >> reporter: that look on mom's face. the love of a sister. that embrace. and that kiss. and a sign of just how easy the day has been here at los angeles international, the check-in counter is virtually empty. good news for those of us who are flying tonight, me included, i'm headed home this evening to see my family in san francisco. david, happy thanksgiving. >> and you, too, cecilia. all worth it for the hug at the end of the journey. a hug from new york tonight for you, as well. thank you. and to the entire team who took their cameras along for the ride. millions of american families traveling, as we mentioned, and this was another
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image that caught our eye today. this was in chicago, where the fog made it absolutely miserable on the highways there, trying to get home there, as well. and, so, we want to bring in abc meteorologist ginger zee who spent a good deal of time forecasting in chicago. and ginger, that system on the move this evening? >> reporter: it is. that fog, that same exact area, will redevelop in places like detroit, memphis and houston. and i want to show you exactly who needs to pay attention to this, as you plan for tomorrow morning. don't turn on the brights, from any of that area you see there in gray. one other spot we've been watching for the last couple of days is the pacific northwest. they have had record rains, i'm talking 8 to 10 inches, snowfall in the 2 to 3 foot range. they will be drying out for the holiday. >> and ginger, not a bad thanksgiving for the rest of the country. >> reporter: not at all. you know, we really got lucky, because you can get some big storms this time of year. let's look at that overall picture, as far as what's happening. i-95, up and down the eastern seaboard, looking dry. you've got a little bit of rain from parts of michigan down into
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texas. dallas on the southern end of that. and drying out, again, for the west, so, from san francisco to seattle, some better pictures by tomorrow. >> all right. ginger zee on a very festive columbus avenue right here in new york tonight. ginger, thank you. to other news this evening and to that political bombshell. a well-known congressman resigning today. jesse jackson, jr. after months of federal investigations, medical treatments and then a win on election day, today, an unexpected turn. here's abc's sharyn alfonsi tonight. >> reporter: once a political rising star, jesse jackson, jr. today called it quits, sending in a letter of resignation to house speaker john boehner. he wrote, "over the past several months as my health has deteriorated, my ability to serve the constituents of my district has continued to diminish." the drama around jackson began this summer when the congressman disappeared for weeks. the public, even members of his staff, didn't know where he was. finally, in late july, the mayo clinic revealed jackson was being treated there for what was
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later diagnosed as bipolar disorder and depression. his famous father uncharacteristically quiet about the matter. >> the fact is, the congressman is under medical supervision and is right now regaining strength. >> reporter: jackson was released in september, then readmitted last month. his return to the clinic came amid reports that the congressman faced a federal investigation into the potential misuse of campaign funds, including allegations that jackson used thousands of dollars to redecorate his washington, d.c. townhome and that he used $40,000 to buy a rolex watch for a female friend. even so, jackson was easily re-elected to the house just a few weeks ago. even though he was in the mayo clinic. even though he never campaigned for the job. in his resignation letter, jackson added that, "against the recommendations of my doctors" he'd hoped to return to washington, but "i now know it will not be possible." jackson said he is working with federal investigators and quote,
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accepts responsibilities for his mistakes. but it's unclear whether his resignation was part of a reported plea deal with prosecutors. a special election will now be held to fill his seat. >> a lot of people pulling for a better road ahead for him. sharyn, thank you. happy thanksgiving. we turn to the economy now, and some good news tonight for americans and their 401(k)s heading into thanksgiving. wall street ended the shortened holiday trading week on a two-week high, in fact. the dow closing at nearly 13,000. the fourth day of gains now, helped by that truce in the middle east this afternoon. wall street now hoping shoppers will provide the next boost to the economy, black friday now approaching. there is still much more ahead on "world news" this wednesday night. on this night of travel in america, we take you inside the airplane of the future. a jet that erases jet lag? two years ago, the people of bp made a commitment to the gulf.
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bp has paid over twenty-three billion dollars to help those affected and to cover cleanup costs. today, the beaches and gulf are open, and many areas are reporting their best tourism seasons in years. and bp's also committed to america. we support nearly 250,000 jobs and invest more here than anywhere else. we're working to fuel america for generations to come.
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our commitment has never been stronger. i have a cold, and i took nyquil, but i'm still "stubbed" up. [ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil doesn't unstuff your nose. what? [ male announcer ] it doesn't have a decongestant. no way. [ male announcer ] sorry. alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms plus has a fast acting decongestant to relieve your stuffy nose. [ sighs ] thanks! [ male announcer ] you're welcome. that's the cold truth! [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus. ♪ oh what a relief it is! ♪ [ male announcer ] to learn more about the cold truth and save $1 visit alka-seltzer on facebook. i put away money. i was 21, so i said, "hmm, i want to retire at 55." and before you know it, i'm 58 years old. time went by very fast. it goes by too, too fast. ♪ but i would do it again in a heartbeat. [ laughs ] ♪
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♪ prego?! but i've bought ragu for years. [ thinking ] wonder what other questionable choices i've made? i choose date number 2! whooo! [ sigh of relief ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego. welcome back on this thanksgiving eve. look at this. a santa making a grand entrance, in england, but then, something goes wrong. his beard gets stuck in the rope there. he's hanging for a good half ho hour, 20 feet above the ground there. and look, a staff sergeant on duty at the mall unhooks him, cuts the beard and santa makes his entrance. now quite as planned, but he got down safely. now, to that flight of the future i mentioned a moment ago. with 3 million people flying home this thanksgiving, we thought we'd take you on a tour of that new jet that promises to erase jet lag. abc's jim avila tonight, taking us on board. >> reporter: it's the airplane designed to bring back some of
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the fun in flight. boeing's 787 dreamliner, finally passenger jet with swooping swings and a fuselage made primarily of plastic composite. >> it's a generational step. >> reporter: boeing has sold more than 800 around the world, but united is the first u.s. airline to fly the dreamliner in service that began this month. the airlines are buying these because they're cheaper to fly, more efficient, but they're going to sell you on creature comforts like the air itself. there's more oxygen on this plane. it's cleaner and less dry, and they have these huge storage bins too. you can fit four suitcases in here. the plastic body is stronger than metal, so the air pressure inside can be kept at the equivalent of 6,000 feet, instead of the 8,000 or 9,000 in most jets. that translates to higher humidity in the cabin, more comfort, less jet lag and dry skin. >> the increase in humidity, the pressurization of the cabin, the very different experience in
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today's airplane. >> reporter: the windows are a third bigger. there's a light show on board. different colors for takeoff, cruising, dinner time. >> so, we go into the warm colors, basically like candlelight. >> reporter: pilots say the 787 carries the next level of safety. >> situational awareness that this airplane produces for us in the come bit is just phenomenal. >> reporter: from the security camera that shows them who is outside the cockpit door to advanced radar that detects potential mid-air collisions miles away. >> traffic! >> reporter: new gps can land the dreamliner on its own, in zero visibility. >> that gets you out on a foggy day. >> reporter: a plane so advanced, it's moving aviation to the next level. the era of the plastic jetliner. jim avila, abc news, seattle. >> could have come in handy today. and when we come back here tonight, a thanksgiving quiz for you. can you guess what americans are searching for on google right now? i can't breathe, so i can't sleep. and the next day i pay for it.
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little too close there. uncomfortable moment, but at least the turkey was pardoned. the image making news tonight in our "instant index," thanksgiving dinner. every part of it, in fact. five of the top ten google trends today, recipes for thanksgiving staples. green bean casserole, people were looking up pecan pie, sweet potato casserole. perhaps you were looking up deviled eggs or stuffing. so many american families trying to avoid a holiday dinner disaster. mine included. and to the number tonight in the news, you might want to chew on this. 2,500, or close to it. that's how many calories are said to be in the average thanksgiving meal. "the new york times" crunching the numbers. here is what they came up with. turkey, with the skin, stuffing, bread and butter, sweet potato casserole, mashed potatoes, the gravy, of course, cranberry sauce and pie? it all adds up to 2,478 calories. and if you were wondering, you would have to run over four hours straight, the pace, a ten-minute mile to burn that all off. but then again, who's counting? let's all eat and worry about it after.
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and you can tweet diane and me on twitter, @dianesawyer twitter, @dianesawyer, @david muir, let us know what catches your eye this holiday. when we come back tonight, what caught our eye, that stunning young man, 138 points in one game? we reveal how he did it. to breathe, but with advair, i'm breathing better. so now i can be in the scene. advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve lung function. unlike most copd medications, advair contains both an anti-inflammatory and a long-acting bronchodilator working together to help improve your lung function all day. advair won't replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than twice a day. people with copd taking advair may have a higher chance of pneumonia. advair may increase your risk of osteoporosis and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking advair. if you're still having difficulty breathing, ask your doctor if including advair could help
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and finally tonight here, the young basketball player who had us all stunned, even kobe bryant asking, how did he do that? taking a shot every 20 seconds. here's abc's darren rovell. >> reporter: in a small gym in iowa, in front of a sparse crowd last night, something magical happened. keep your eye on number 3. jack taylor of grinnell college, hoisting shot after shot after shot and actually scoring. taylor threw 108 shots in the air on tuesday night. 52 of them went through the net. that's a shot taken every 20 seconds to score those 138 points. taylor not only broke the college record, he surpassed wilt chamberlain's nba record of 100 points scored 50 years ago. los angeles lakers superstar kobe bryant holds the single game record among active players with 81 points. >> a college kid scored a
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138 points tonight, took over 100 shots. >> wow. that's crazy, man. i don't care what level you're at. scoring 138 points is pretty insane. >> reporter: so, how did he do it? first of all, it was a team effort. taylor took 77% of his team's shots. >> i'm not really the type of player, you know, that comes off screens and shoots. i'm more the type of player that likes the ball. >> reporter: to keep from getting fatigued, taylor would save his energy by not playing defense. watch this possession, where taylor stops at half court, as his teammates do the work. when his team gets the rebound, he's already strategizing his next shot. there's actually a method to this madness. last year, one of taylor's teammates scored 89 points in a game. some say this milestone doesn't deserve to get celebrated, because taylor and the team weren't playing to win. they were playing for the record. >> this is an historic moment. >> reporter: no matter the motive, or how he or they did it, a player scoring 138 points
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is one for the record books. darren rovell, abc news. >> a team effort this thanksgiving eve. we leave you with a 14-month-old in her dad's arms at o'hare airport. happy thanksgiving. good night. michael finney reports progress in stopping pay pal from holding your money hostage. >> big back up at the port of oakland a walk out has a major ripple affect on truckers eager to get home for holidays.. >> time running out for a marin county oyster farm. the interior secretary coming from washington to see for himself. >> we're live tonight to measure impact when bad weather means no business for the snow business.
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>> that breaking news is happening tonight south of market. police and emergency crews investigating why a man hole cover blup off the street just a little more than an houring ayes. >> this is an update on a story we brought you alt 5:00. sky 7 overhead on the scene at 11th and howard street. police say there was no explosion, what happened is a muni bus passing by throughú;no÷ out an electrical arc it popped off the street and did not hit anyone. no one was hurt. traffic being diverted on southbound howard street while they finish investigating. >> good evening. how long should pay pal be awill youed to put your money on hold? >> some customer accounts have been frozen for months, pay pal is promising changes consumer groups say it hasn't come quickly enough. >> michael there has been progress since you first reported this. >> yes. i'm glad to see some progress.


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